2018 Mount Pleasant Favorite Pets


MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Freddie the Cocker spaniel
Freddie – the rescue with pedigree
Breed: Cocker spaniel
Mom: Sarah Roth

“I got Freddie from a shelter in West Virginia. Even though he is pure bred, he still needed to be rescued!”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Paisley the Great Pyrenees
Paisley – the purrfect Pyrenees
Breed: Great Pyrenees
Mom: Kelly Brady

“Paisley likes to cuddle with the cat. …”

Advanced Animal Care 728x90

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Bubba the Labrador retriever
Bubba – squeak-toy aficionado
Breed: Labrador retriever
Mom: Savannah Petzold

“He is a very sweet boy who loves the marsh and anything that squeaks. If you ask him if he’s hungry at any point in the day, he comes flying.”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Louie the Standard poodle
Louie – a not-so-standard poodle
Breed: Standard poodle
Mom and dad: Bill and Nancy Fitch

“He is wild and crazy at 2 years old! And he is my 4-year-old granddaughter Grace’s best buddy!”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Biscotti the King Charles cavalier
Biscotti – a good boy with ties to baking, beer and always behaving
Breed: King Charles cavalier
Mom: Aly Lauren Stern

“Biscotti is a native to South Carolina and loves to kayak down the Ashley River. He is named after his mother’s love for baking as well as his dad’s love for Biscotti Cake Break beer from Westbrook Brewing. He is such a well-behaved puppy. You’ll find him wearing his Clemson gear, hanging out at local breweries where everyone knows his name.”

Poco – a pint-sized rescue with a big personality
Breed: Chihuahua
Mom: Kim Hayward

“Poco joined our family in early February when we adopted him from Lowcountry Animal Rescue. Poco is a whopping 4 pounds, 13 ounces, but he has a huge personality. We don’t know much about his past, but his favorite things are snuggling, giving kisses and running around in circles in his backyard. We may be biased, but we think Poco is the cutest little man ever!”

Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming 728x90

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Samson the Bernese mountain dog
Samson – king of the mountain
Breed: Bernese mountain dog
Mom: Susanne Sprinkle

“Samson is unique because he is amazingly loyal, silly and quirky! We love him with all our hearts. He is a people magnet, with his dashing good looks and winning personality!”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Muffin the Labradoodle
Muffin – the loyal labradoodle
Breed: Labradoodle
Mom: Ashley Markow

“Muffin is the definition of loyal. Her loyalty can be seen in her eyes. She loves playing fetch and playing with her 11-year-old human brother for hours on end. She lives for going for walks, and, when she does, she prances like a proud Clydesdale, showing off her owners to the whole neighborhood. Even though she is almost 12 years old, she acts young and is still full of energy. She is also brilliant – she can do many tricks and seems to understand everything when you talk to her. She can give hugs on command and is always up for a snuggle.”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Henry the Holland fuzzy lop
Henry – the hip-hoppin’ Holland fuzzy lop
Breed: Holland fuzzy lop
Mom: Tami Tyler

“He’s the best pet ever! You wouldn’t think a bunny would be friendly and playful, but they are, and he is hysterical to watch. I wouldn’t trade him for the world.”

Bella – a big-hearted small breed
Breed: Chug
Mom: Amy Lewis

“My beautiful Bella is an old soul. She is a rescue and started out as our family pet. … but became much more. She stayed close to me after my daughter moved away, helping me through the empty nest. When my husband became terminally ill, she never left his side. After we discovered therapy dogs at the hospital, I decided to introduce Bella as a therapy dog for nursing homes and hospice. After my husband passed away, she became my travel buddy. She has traveled all over the world with me. I see her little face turning gray and her little walk getting slower, but her big eyes and amazing soul make me want to hold onto her forever. I wish to be half of the wonderful person that she thinks I am.”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Bailey the Soft-coated wheaten terrier
Bailey – Charleston-bound NYC boy
Breed: Soft-coated wheaten terrier
Dad: David Grossman

“Bailey is 12.5 years old and has lived with us since he was 11 weeks. He’s our third son and the only one not to leave us for college or to live in an apartment of his own. We currently live in a NYC suburb and are moving to Mount Pleasant in late June. Bailey is, of course, coming with us. He’s looking forward to meeting new friends in Oyster Point and seeing his first alligator (from a distance!). Our friends can’t wait to visit us and see Charleston, but our children are more excited to see Bailey in his new home. (The photo I’ve attached is of Bailey and our two sons, Jeffrey and Matthew. Notice the pineapple basket on the counter that we bought in the Charleston Market.) There is a T-shirt that says, ‘We took him in to do our part. He turned around and stole our heart!’ He is a true blessing to our family.”

DeLancey-dedicated DeLancey
Breed: Chihound
Mom: Jill Powell

“DeLancey came into my life after my last pup passed. She has become such an important part of my world. She goes everywhere with me and just loves attention. She makes me so happy. She’s my ride-or-die pooch in crime.”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Shiloh and Maya the Standard poodles
Shiloh and Maya – poodle pups with big plans
Breed: Standard poodle
Mom: Bonnie Friedman

“Shiloh and Maya are standard poodle puppies. Shiloh is 11 months, and Maya is 3 months. Shiloh loves to go to the dog park and the beach, and Maya gets to tag along in the carrier until she has all her vaccines. They both also love to go run errands like Lowe’s and meet lots of people! When not out and about, you can find them running around the house chasing each other and wrestling! Keep a watch out for them in the future, as they both plan on becoming therapy dogs. If you do see us out and about, please say hello to us!”

MT PLEASANT FAVORITE PET: Delilah Valentine the Beagle
Delilah Valentine – all beagle, no bark
Breed: Beagle
Mom: Christine Barrett

“Delilah’s ‘gotcha day’ is Feb. 12, 2016, and she has a heart-shaped white spot on her neck. She is 14 pounds and is the quietest beagle I have ever met. She stays glued to my side always. Delilah was a lifesaver after I lost my coonhound, and she even sits with her paw raised like he did.”